Award-Winning Roadster

Polaris called on Skyya to launch a new on-road vehicle brand – the Polaris Slingshot – a three-wheeled roadster that delivers a driving experience like no other. Skyya set out to generate unprecedented, unpaid impressions in the first 90 days after launch with emphasis on outlets targeting our primary buyer demographic and drive consumers to place pre-order deposits given the lag time between launch and product availability.


1. 2,077,724,021 billion unpaid impressions

2. 306 total stories (279 digital, 14 broadcast segments and 13 print articles) in 2014

3. Achieved 429% goal attainment for total impressions from launch-December 2014

4.209 stories and over a billion impressions in the first 30 days following launch – 320% of our goal 5.246 stories and 1.7 billion impressions in the first 90 days following launch – 400% of our goal 6.Achieved 950% of our Slingshot pre-order objective