Buckle Up for the Future of Crypto

Daymak, founded in 2002, is a pioneer in personal light electric vehicles (LEVs), a growing micro-mobility market for sustainable, climate-friendly transport. Daymak is the number one distributor and developer of LEVs in Canada with more than 100,000 vehicles sold (global distribution network including 150 dealers and big-box retailers like Walmart, Costco, and Best Buy). Skyya was called upon to create and elevate media and consumer awareness around Daymak’s new Avvenire Series, a line-up of ground-breaking personal LEVs including solar e-bikes, three-wheeled electric cars, flying electric vehicles, and more – with an emphasis on the Spirtus three-wheeled model arriving in 2023 + the first electric car in history to mine cryptocurrency and include a built-in crypto wallet.


  • 50+ pieces of press coverage resulting in 196M impressions from the likes of Jalopnik, Maxim and  Yanko Design.
  • Quoted from Yanko Design as – “the right choice for the future of mobility”.
  • Media Briefings with CleanTechnica, Electrek, Forbes, TechCrunch and WIRED.
  • Broadcast Segment with CEO Aldo Baiocchi on the Bloomberg QuickTake, Cheddar News and the Benzinga Crypto Show.
  • Increased number of pre-orders ($750M+), inbound media opps and consumer questions.